See also:
Vision & Mission Statements
Our Values
At St Paul’s we value a positive school climate and an inclusive culture. The general feel of the school is one of a diverse, welcoming community in which the school’s mission statement and expressed core values of respect, safety and learning characterise students and adults as belonging to a caring responsible and respectful community.
School pride is evident at St Paul’s. The St Paul’s Vision statement is value based and reinforces the schools ongoing commitment to make St Paul’s a safe, happy learning environment for everyone where, based on our Catholic Christian and Mary MacKillop traditions:
Each person is accepted for the person he/she is
Nationalities make us culturally rich
Learning is valued and gifts encouraged
Listening, compassion and peace are nurtured
The core vales of Respect, safety and learning lead and guide our teaching and learning ensuring collaboration, flexibility and future orientation to develop life long learning in all.

Community Partnerships
St. Paul’s School Community Partnerships has grown out of a response to important research commissioned by Brisbane Catholic Education and conducted by long term local advocate and community development worker, Fr Wally Dethlefs.
St. Paul’s School Community Partnerships:
seeks to engage with and develop a shared, sustainable community of difference, where families, staff, students and community can come together
creates opportunities for families and local community to connect with the school community and each other
encourages and nurtures relationships where all members feel empowered to be part of a shared community,
is a place where the school community becomes involved as an important partner, rather than an isolated educational institution
is embedded within the learning context and an integral part of school community
» Read more about St Paul's Community Partnerships
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Paul's School (2024)