Grow Strong in The Faith, The Spirit, and The Word’ is St Paul’s motto. The religious identity and culture of the school are lived out further through our:
- religious education lessons
- class prayer
- prayer assemblies
- class mass/liturgies
- liturgical celebrations and feast days.
At St Paul’s we value the deep connection between school and parish. This is demonstrated when our Grades 4 to 6 attend, and lead a parish mass each term. Each term Preps to Year 3 are involved in a class liturgy.
St Paul’s school community identifies and aims to live by the social action teachings of the church. The need to act justly is a fundamental value which guides us each day. At St Paul’s we actively involve our students in supporting the following organisations:
- Caritas - Project Compassion Appeal
- St Vincent De Paul
- St Paul’s parish initiatives.
St Paul’s shares and promotes the Vision for Religious Education articulated by Brisbane Catholic Education and the wider church.
St Paul’s School, along with all other schools in the Archdiocese of Brisbane, works from the model of Religious Education that encompasses two dimensions-
- the classroom teaching of religion using the Religious Education Curriculum and
- teaching students to be religious, drawing upon the Catholic Christian tradition
At St Paul’s School, Woodridge, we do this in a way that is mindful of contemporary social challenges and the multi-faith community in which we are situated.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Catholic Identity (2016)
This vision shares the goal for learning and teaching as expressed in Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework (2012):
As a Catholic Christian community, we educate all to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners empowered to shape and enrich our world.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Paul's School (2024)