Night Time Routines - 8 hours sleep a night!

It has come to our attention that many students are spending many hours each night on devices playing computer games and surfing the internet. Here’s some tips to help you manage your child’s obsession with screens at home.

  • Set a time in the afternoon that your children have access to screens. Screen time can happen between 4pm and 6pm. Parents set the rules!
  • Monitor what they are accessing online. Do not allow children to freely search things online. Use device locks if you can.
  • All devices are put away by parents in a place that children cannot access. (eg high up in a cupboard)
  • No screens after 6:00pm
  • If your child screams, throws a tantrum etc because you have asked them to finish their time on the de-vice, they will lose their time on the device the next day.
  • Stick to the rules you have set in place. It might be hard to start with but your children will soon learn that you are not changing your routines and they will adapt.
  • Primary school aged children should be sleeping a minimum of 10 hours a night. (8pm to 6am)
  • ​We will have a parent info night on managing night time routines, later in the year.
